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Marine algae contain various bromophenols with a variety of biological activities,including antimicrobial,anticancer,and anti-diabetic effects.Here,we briefly review the recent progress in researches on the biomaterials from marine algae,emphasizing the relationship between the structure and the potential anti-diabetic applications.Bromophenols from marine algae display their hyperglycemic effects by inhibiting the activities of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B,α-glucosidase,as well as other mechanisms.  相似文献   
徐娜  逄少军 《海洋科学》2012,36(10):13-25
采用分子生物学手段结合形态特征对海洋中生活着的浮游单细胞海藻进行准确无误的分类鉴定,正在成为一种普遍接受的方式。这样做的前提是首先需要从海水中分离得到纯藻株, 掌握它们的生活条件, 获得生物量, 并进而完成鉴定。作者对一株裸甲藻类似种和两株新分离的赤潮单细胞海藻进行了分离、培养和鉴定。核糖体18S RNA 基因(18S rDNA)和转录单元内间隔区(ITS)序列分析结果显示这三株藻分别为共生甲藻(Symbiodinium sp.)、锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)和赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)。作者以广泛使用的光密度值A680作为衡量藻体生物量变化的指标, 研究了这三种藻在不同培养条件下的生长。结果表明, 在批次培养中, 共生甲藻、锥状斯氏藻和赤潮异弯藻的生物量都在22℃达到最大, 分别为9.28×105个/mL、7.9×104个/mL 和4.75×105个/mL; 强光和长时间光照促进生长, 但锥状斯氏藻在强光下更早进入衰退期; 三种藻都表现出较强耐受盐度变化的能力,在盐度为15~36 的培养液中生长良好; 营养实验表明, 使用882 μmol/L 的NO3- 和36.2 μmol/L 的PO43-能够维持三种海藻的快速生长。  相似文献   
The marine green alga Chaetomorpha valida fouls aquaculture ponds along the coastal cities of Dalian and Rongcheng, China. Unialgal cultures were observed under a microscope to determine the developmental morphological characters of C. valida. Results reveal that gametophytic filaments often produce lateral branches under laboratory culture conditions, suggesting an atypical heteromorphic life cycle of C. valida between unbranched sporophytes and branched gametophytes, which differs from typical isomorphic alternation of Chaetomorpha species. The shape of the basal attachment cell, an important taxonomic character within the genus, was found variable depending on environmental conditions. The 18S rDNA and 28S rDNA regions were used to explore the phylogenetic affinity of the taxa. Inferred trees from 18S rDNA sequences revealed a close relationship between C. valida and Chaetomorpha moniligera. These results would enrich information in general biology and morphological plasticity of C. valida and provided a basis for future identification of green tide forming algae.  相似文献   
Defining reference conditions for lakes situated in areas of human settlement and agriculture is rarely straightforward, and is especially difficult within easily eroding and nutrient rich watersheds. We used diatoms, cyanobaterial akinetes, remains of green algae and chironomid head capsules from sediment samples of Lake Kirmanjärvi, Finland, to assess its deviation from the initial ecological status. These site-specific records of change were compared to current type-specific ecological status assessment. All paleolimnological data indicated deviation from natural conditions and mirrored the current, monitoring-based assessment of “moderate” ecological lake status. However, the sediment data showed that the lake should be re-typified as a naturally eutrophic lake. Sediment records as well as current monitoring data indicated temporary improvement in water quality in response to extensive fish manipulation. Our results suggest that paleolimnological records can be used to derive site-specific reference conditions and that extensive restoration efforts can result in gradual, observable improvements of water quality and ecological status.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of seasonality on the behavior of phytoplankton associations in eutrophic reservoirs with different depths in northeastern Brazil. Five collections were carried out at each of the reservoirs at two depths (0.1 m and near the sediment) at three-month intervals in each season (dry and rainy). The phytoplankton samples were preserved in Lugol's solution and quantified under an inverted microscope for the determination of density values, which were subsequently converted to biomass values based on cellular biovolume and classified in phytoplankton associations. The following abiotic variables were analyzed: water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, water transparency, total phosphorus, total dissolved phosphorus, orthophosphate and total nitrogen. The data were investigated using canonical correspondence analysis. The influence of seasonality on the dynamics of the phytoplankton community was lesser in the deeper reservoirs. Depth affected the behavior of the algal associations. Variation in light availability was a determinant of changes in the phytoplankton structure. Urosolenia and Anabaena associations were more abundant in shallow ecosystems with a larger eutrophic zone, whereas the Microcystis association was more related to deep ecosystems with adequate availability of nutrients. The distribution of Cyclotella, Geitlerinema, Planktothrix, Pseudanabaena and Cylindrospermopsis associations was different from that seen in subtropical regions and the substitution of these associations was related to a reduction in the eutrophic zone rather than the mixture zone.  相似文献   
淡水中丝状绿藻对重金属Pb2+的吸附   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过淡水中绿藻门的一些丝状种类,如毛枝藻(Stigeoclonium)、刚毛藻(Cladophora)、水绵(Spirogyra)对铅的吸附实验,研究淡水藻类与铅的吸附关系及影响因素。结果表明,淡水中丝状绿藻对铅有较强的吸附能力, 当pH值和温度以及包埋藻类的量控制在一定条件下,即pH值约为4,温度为28℃左右,按照2 g藻类处理20 mL 质量浓度为100 mg/L Pb2+溶液原则包埋藻类,就可以使单位藻类吸附效率达到40%。  相似文献   
利用测井资料自动识别藻灰岩   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
藻灰岩在测井曲线图上具有不同于其它岩性的特征,据此确定了7种测井参数(自然伽玛、自然电位、井径、声波时差、补偿中子、补偿密度及深电阻率),将测井数据归一化后得到了相应的岩性判别样本参数。利用F-Means中速度较快的聚类迭代(LBG)算法对研究样本进行分类,优选了一组数据用于判别分析。在进行Q因子分析的基础上建立了用于岩性判别的3个判别函数,并对花土沟油田某井段进行了岩性识别预测分析。  相似文献   
2021年7月末至10月初,位于黄海沿岸的青岛市西海岸新区琅琊台湾贡口拦海坝处出现大量悬浮生长的大型红藻。为明确该类群的分类地位,探究其生物学特征,对该处红藻群体展开了实地调研,并采集相关样本开展了形态鉴定和分子系统发育分析。该群体主要由一种红藻组成,藻体紫红色、圆柱形,质软多肉,高度可达20cm,不规则互生分枝,分枝基部强烈缢缩、顶端尖细;藻体主轴横截面观可见较小的含色素外皮层细胞以及较大的近圆形假薄壁细胞和分布在髓层中央的散乱、疏松的丝状细胞。结合分子标记rbc L和cox I基因的系统发育分析结果,该物种被鉴定为细弱红翎菜(Solieria tenuis Zhang et Xia)。与历史研究记录不同,贡口拦海坝处的细弱红翎菜群体缺乏固着器和繁殖结构,悬浮性营养生长,所在海域丰富的氮磷营养可能为其快速生长提供了物质基础,在生长高峰期该群体总生物量约6 t (干重),是一次局部区域性小规模“藻华”。细弱红翎菜的悬浮生态型和暴发性增殖现象表明该物种可能具有较强的环境适应性,其生理特征和潜在的生态风险需进一步关注。  相似文献   
雷诺数对藻类垂向分布特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安强  龙天渝  刘春静  雷雨  李哲 《湖泊科学》2012,24(5):717-722
为研究紊流水体中藻类的垂向分布特性,依据三峡水库次级河流回水段的水动力状况,自行设计了水流实验装置,选取次级河流回水区水华高发时段的气候状况和营养盐水平为实验条件,研究了雷诺数对蓝藻、绿藻和硅藻垂向分布的影响以及雷诺数对不同水深处藻类的悬浮和聚集行为的作用.研究结果表明:在水温为20℃、光照强度为5000 lx的富营养水体中,当断面平均流速在0~0.005 m/s、雷诺数在0~1750时,蓝藻主要悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中;而当断面平均流速在0.1~0.5 m/s、雷诺数在35000~175000时,硅藻主要悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中;与蓝藻和硅藻相比,绿藻适宜的雷诺数范围更宽,当断面平均流速在0~0.05 m/s、雷诺数在0~17500时,绝大部分的绿藻都能悬浮聚集在0.2~0.8 m的表层水体中.  相似文献   
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